We come around all these saying some or other time in our life. The atmosphere around us or rather the surroundings around us play a major factor in our day-to-day mood. If you have pleasant surroundings say a nice view from your window or a very clean room or a proper lighting in the house or anything else which gives out positive vibes, you will be oftenly in a good mood. But, if you have a very dirty room or piles of laundry or stuff loitered around all the time, it will definitely anger you or irritate you or in simple words have a negative impact on you. So, it is imperative that our surroundings are such that they have a positive impact on us and our moods.

Here are few tips that will help you to lift the atmosphere around you:

  1. Keep a room freshener handy: The kind which is not very strong cause that will probably give you a headache, the soothing smell will ease you up and de-stress you.

  2. Hang loads of photo frames: After you have come back from a day’s hard work, just look at those happy times you have spent, (like any previous time on the beach, your child’s first birthday or the day of your wedding) the photos of your loved ones will bring smile on your lips.

  3. Crystals: Crystals are believed to have healing power. Place or hang a crystal in room where there sunlight can fall on and as you may know the light on falling on the crystal will form rainbow structures. So if you wake early in morning to this  beautiful scene it fill you with positive vibes.

  4. Play nice and soft music: Music is a great healer so playing nice, soft music will energize you, give a feeling of peace and serenity.

  5. Place some salt water in a container in a room: It is a Feng Shui technique to remove negativity and invite positive energy.

So go ahead and try these tips to lift your and family’s mood. After all, bringing happiness to others is said to be the best of all.

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