It is usual to find subject matter experts in areas like technology, where there is much to learn and innovation develops at a fast pace, but they might also be found in areas like:

Law Education Accounting Software development Human resources IT systems Health Engineering Public relations Customer service Marketing SEO

SMEs could be internal employees who have been hired specifically for their knowledge, or they can work as a consultant. Uniquely qualified and known as the authority on a specific subject, an SME can function as a resource for other team members, from leadership down to assistants. As a rule, there are no specific people management duties that a subject matter expert is responsible for. They focus on their specific niche and provide services that relate to that.

What Is the Role of an SME?

There are a few facets of the role an SME might take part in, but much depends on their specialism and how they want to work.

Data Analysis to Find Strengths and Weaknesses

To understand where processes need to be improved and what needs to change, a deep analysis of current issues must be undertaken.

Input on Processes and Investments

A neutral and unbiased approach to specific investments and processes allows businesses to take advantage of the expertise of the SME. This includes taking technical or advanced concepts and making them simple and easy to understand.

Advising on Business Investments/Equipment

SMEs can help businesses decide where to invest in making improvements, especially regarding potentially expensive equipment. An SME needs to be able to make recommendations based on their extensive knowledge and provide this in the right way.

Making Technical Information Digestible for Other Departments/Generalist Employees

This is an important part of the expert knowledge of the SME. They need to be able to train other staff members and employees on the new processes and equipment in the right way. This also includes supporting the leadership team to align the company with a new strategic vision where necessary.

Being Called as an Expert Witness in Court Cases

This might be a more specific duty to some roles than others, but an SME might be called to the witness stand in a court case to give evidence, whether that is about financial matters or a specific piece of legislation. Their knowledge needs to be strong enough to deal with legal matters, too.

How to Become an SME

Choose the Right Subject

To become an SME, you need to be enthusiastic about your specialty, which should inform your decision about which subject area to choose. It is also a clever idea to choose something that there is a high demand for, whether you are looking to become an employee or work as a freelance consultant. The other thing that you might want to think about is whether there are any opportunities for further specialization, niching down even further to provide a better service.

Learn as Much as Possible About Your Chosen Area

Building knowledge is what you need to specialize in, and there are several diverse ways you can do this. Most SMEs have advanced degrees alongside plenty of experience, so you might want to consider some sort of formal education. Getting first-hand experience is also necessary; having a working knowledge of your chosen subject in a workplace scenario is invaluable. While you might not be able to find a paid position to hone your craft, you might be able to volunteer your services for a business. Unfortunately for some, becoming an SME is not something that comes quickly – you need to dedicate hundreds, if not thousands, of hours to studying. Remember that everything you are learning needs to be up to date, especially in industries where things are always changing, like technology or software. If you are looking to become an SME, you cannot ‘fake it until you make it’.

Consider Certification

If your specialism needs a qualification or some sort of certification, pursuing that is an effective way to establish your knowledge. You can often take online courses in your own time to improve your knowledge and get certified, or you can consider taking either an in-person or part-time advanced degree to build your credibility (and get some letters after your name).

Build a Reputation

Networking is one of the best ways to get your name ‘out there’ as an SME. You want to be able to build a reputation as the point of reference in your specialism and that comes from recognition. Networking can come from attending local networking meetings or conferences related to your chosen field. Any opportunity that you get to share your unique perspective or knowledge is an opportunity to build your reputation. You can also make use of online methods to build a reputation. Through social media, especially sites like LinkedIn, you can help other people with your knowledge, answer their questions and provide advice. You can also provide value and knowledge through a blog or writing articles for relevant magazines and online resources. You might want to start a podcast, or feature on other people’s, to share your innovative perspective. Some SMEs have YouTube channels dedicated to providing clear, simple expertise. However you choose to share your knowledge with the world, remember that your reputation helps people recognize you as being knowledgeable in your specialism. You might want to provide a Q&A section on your personal website or start an AMA (Ask Me Anything) thread on a social media site. You want to share your discoveries and your knowledge, while simplifying it, so that everyone can understand. This aspect of the SME role is one that is particularly important; providing digestible information that is ultimately useful.

Test Your Theories in Action

As an SME, you need to be able to come up with your own ideas and find new ways of doing things, and you need to test them out, too. There is no point in discovering an innovative new process without the opportunity to evaluate it. By doing so, you are evaluating your theories and building your credentials.

Create Authority

It is easier to be recognized as an SME in many cases if you already have authority – usually through the length of service or experience or in your position as a manager or other leader. You can create your own authority through your influence. While in most cases, the idea of an influencer might give an image of someone on Instagram or Facebook posing with a product, in reality, you can be an influencer with your promising ideas and your subject knowledge. Your credentials will be an important part of your business. For example, you can’t be a successful mentor if you haven’t been successful yourself. Of course, any qualifications or certifications that you have will add to your authority.

Value Authenticity When Giving Advice

An SME needs to be unbiased and able to be trusted so as not to be swayed by the preferences of others or by the opportunity for profit. They need to be able to exercise good judgment and provide advice and support based specifically on their own experiences and the best available information. Starting from zero, gaining a degree, an advanced degree, certification, on-the-job experience and establishing a reputation can take a long time. However, if you have already got some experience and qualifications, then it might not take quite as long. An SME needs a good memory to remember all that they have learned about their specialism and logic to be able to apply that knowledge in new situations. You will need excellent communication skills, both written and oral. These will be used to advise and support the leadership team in the business and provide simplified versions of your innovative concepts for more general employees. You need to function as a leader and be part of the team to ensure that new processes can be implemented. You also need to act with integrity. Using their advanced and wide knowledge of security issues, the cybersecurity expert will first assess the systems and processes that are already in place, including software and hardware. They will then create new processes, suggest any investments needed in software or technology, and present them to the leadership team. They will then help the management to implement the necessary changes by creating training materials that every employee can use to ensure that the new processes are seamlessly integrated and the IT infrastructure is protected effectively. For the SME, social media is a platform that can be used to offer advice and support to other people, helping build a reputation and allowing you to demonstrate the depth of your knowledge. Using the right social media platforms helps you to build credibility, create a reputation and develop relationships through networking. Total Jobs has an average of just over £50,000 – but the freelance consultant can charge a specified day or project rate, making their earnings almost unlimited. However, the time it takes to establish yourself as a leader in your field, through qualifications, certifications and experience alone, means that it is not a simple or fast process. SMEs can be found in almost any area of work, and this means that there should be a specific niche that suits you. If you are dedicated and intelligent, you can be successful and earn well by pursuing something that you love.